The Official Launch of IWSc: The Wood Technology Society

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The Institute of Wood Science has been relaunched as the Wood Technology Society, a division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3).  The launch event was held last week at the IoM3  London Offices at 1 Carlton House Terrace. Speakers at the launch included members of the Society, academics, architects and material producers who covered a wide range of subjects from designing with timber through ecology to composite materials and packaging. The amalgamation of the Institute of Wood Science with the IoM3 has brought with it many resources and opportunities that can raise the general awareness of wood as a material. The Wood Technology Society provides the focus within the IoM3 for the wood community. It is responsible for advising on policy, and developing strategy on wood issues. The Society’s technical committees organise events at national level for the benefit of the wood community to promote the understanding of wood and wood based products. The first issue of the International Wood Products Journal, formerly the Journal of the Institute of Wood Science, was published in May. The journal seeks to provide a broad coverage of research and practice relating to all aspects of wood utilisation through to recycling and disposal. Selected content is available online, free of charge, at Wood Focus is published three times a year by IoM3 , as an e-zine, and distributed to members of IWSc: The Wood Technology Society. It covers subjects such as timber, forestry, design, professional development and materials. Recent articles have covered health and safety, sustainability of the forestry supply chain, demand for wood as biomass, architecture, wood preservation, formaldehyde-free adhesives and the application of natural fibres in composites. For further information visit: Membership of the Wood Technology Society is effected by joining the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining For more information about the Wood Technology Society visit

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