Support Your Industry Against the Cuts – Write to Your MP!

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The Construction Products Association (CPA) has launched a campaign to ensure that the government continues to invest in the construction industry once the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) is completed this autumn. In a letter to MPs, the CPA is lobbying to ensure that public sector capital investment does not fall below 2.25% of GDP arguing that investment below this figure will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the country’s built assets, harm the international competitiveness of our businesses, and result in higher long term costs for the future maintenance and replacement of these assets. The CPA is also pushing the following points to ensure the stability of the construction industry: – Develop a clear programme for the use of funds from the Green Investment Bank and other sources of finance, to fill the gap between the levels of capital investment that the public sector can provide and what the country needs. This must extend beyond the areas identified above into those that are key to delivering other aspects of government policy, such as reducing carbon emissions from the existing building stock.

– Ensure there is clarity in what the different capital spending programmes are intended to deliver, so that progress can be effectively monitored and the industry is given a guide as to the investment it needs to make in training its workforce and the supply of its products.

– Engage in a constructive discussion with the industry, on the ways in which public spending on construction can deliver much better value for money through, for example, improved procurement processes and a more integrated approach to projects. To ensure that these points are implemented into the CSR, the BWF is calling upon you, our members to lobby your local MP to ensure that your company is supported by the government following the review. We have produced a template letter for you to download, simply enter your details, and send to your local MP. You can download it here. The spending review will set out the coalition government’s spending plans for the rest of this parliament and beyond, so it’s important we pressure them to support our industry effectively to ensure our future. You can find your local MP and their correspondence address by visiting:

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