PWC/Construction Products Association Survey on Sustainability

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Sustainability has come to be an incontrovertible issue in the last few years: in the UK, the ongoing Carbon Reduction Commitment and increase of governmental regulations reflect the growing concern on environmental preservation and focus on carbon management. PricewaterhouseCoopers in partnership with the Construction Products Association is planning to issue a report focusing on the current and future states of sustainability in the construction products industry, and evaluating its potential as a strategic asset and its direct impact on business valuation. To this end, a short survey questionnaire (that will take less than 10 minutes to complete) has been sent to the Association’s members and affiliates, asking for insights from a business point of view, rather than a technical one.  The intention is that it should be completed by the person in the organisation who has ultimate responsibility for sustainability. The survey will then be followed by one-on-one interviews with CEOs of construction products companies, and other members of the supply chain such as contractors and architects. The survey can be found at 

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