ProSkills: Recognising Your Commitment to Training

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ProSkills took the baton for our industry’s training development in December of last year. Good work is already underway to promote careers, lobby government, develop competency standards and develop qualifications that are fit for purpose. Of course, BWF members already have a good track record for training their staff – recognising that investing in them leads to a more productive workforce and an increase in profitability. In fact, the last training survey of BWF members showed that all respondents were providing training to their staff despite the recession and a recent ProSkills survey showed that 70% of the wood industry as a whole was training. With your commitment to training in mind, ProSkills is offering each member in England the opportunity to take the National Skills Pledge and the Sustainable Workforce Pledge. To put it simply, it’s an opportunity to get recognised and promoted as an employer that is investing in training and their staff. But if that doesn’t excite you enough to make the pledge immediately, it allows employers in England will have access to available support funding from Government as well as a whole raft of tools and services to help ensure that skills are developed that will make a significant difference to business performance. In return to making the pledge, the ProSkills Academy will be supporting you through skills brokers and training providers to help identify training solutions, source funding and carry out analysis. Certificates will be sent to you to allow you to demonstrate to employees, customers and other stakeholders your commitment to the development of your workforce. Showing that the industry is committed to training also allows ProSkills to have a strong voice to Government when it lobbies for funding and policy on your behalf. For more information on the Skills Pledge CLICK HERE or to sign the pledge now, CLICK HERE.

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