New Requirements for Laminated Glazing in Secured By Design Developments

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Secured by Design (SBD) is the police initiative that guides and encourages those engaged within the specification, design and building of new homes to adopt crime prevention measures in new developments. With effect from 1st January 2011 there is to be a new requirement for all laminated glass used in SBD developments to be certificated to BS EN 356:2000 with a P2A rating. This standard describes the testing and classification of security glazing in order to demonstrate its resistance to manual attack. The current SBD requirements for the glazing of doorsets and windows are given in the Secured By Design Guide for New Homes 2010 and are summarized below; The glazing in windows and doorsets must meet the requirements of the local Building Regulations with regard to safety glazing. In addition, the following specific SBD requirements shall be met: Glazing in doorsets

  • All glazing in and adjacent to doors must include one pane of laminated glass to a minimum thickness of 6.4mm and it is to be securely fixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
  • In higher risk areas the Crime Prevention Design Adviser (CPDA) may specify laminated glass to a minimum thickness of 6.8mm.

Glazing in windows

  • Laminated Safety Glazing (6.4mm minimum) shall be fitted in windows where the glazing falls below 800mm (from floor level) or 1500mm if within 300mm of a doorframe.
  • Laminated glazing, as above, should be used for all accessible emergency egress windows fitted with non-key locking hardware.
  • In certain areas, to ensure that security is commensurate with risk, the CPDA may require laminated glass, with a minimum thickness of 6.4mm, to be installed on all ground floor and basement windows and those which are easily accessible above ground floor.

There is no specific requirement for the laminated glazing, fitted into either doorsets or windows, to be the inner or outer face of a double glazed unit.

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