New practical guidance on preventing harassment and violence in the workplace

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Employers, unions and the government have joined forces to support new guidance on preventing harassment and violence in the workplace. The guidance offers practical advice and has drawn together information on the key relevant pieces of legislation and support available in the UK.
Employers have legal duties to protect the health and safety of all their workers, and are duty bound to address the threat or occurrence of workplace harassment and violence, as well as take reasonable steps to prevent it. Failure to do so can be unlawful and may breach ethical standards, affect the physical and psychological health of those affected, and undermine business performance.
The CBI, (Confederation of British Industry Partnership of Public Employers (PPE) and Trades Union Congress (TUC) have come together to provide the advice, which follows on from a Europe-wide agreement between employers’ organisations and unions. The guidance also has the support of the Government, including the Health and Safety Executive (HSE the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).
A copy of the document, ‘Preventing Workplace Harassment and Violence – joint guidance implementing a European social partner agreement

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