New Chief Construction Adviser Appointed

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Paul Morrell OBE has been appointed to the new role of Government Chief Construction Adviser.  The CCA is an independent role, but will report jointly to BIS and HM Treasury Ministers, and is intended to act as a link between Government and the industry to ensure Britain’s construction sector is equipped with the knowledge, skills and best practice to make the most of the opportunities which the 21st century will offer.  The establishment of this senior post was the main recommendation of the House of Commons Select Committee  report on construction last year. Previously senior partner of construction consultants Davis Langdon, and also former deputy chair of CABE, Paul Morrell brings extensive experience across both the public and private sectors to this broad role. Construction Products Association Chief Executive Michael Ankers welcomed the appointment, saying, “He is the ideal person to make a real difference on the issues that were identified for the CCA and I am sure the Parliamentary Select  Committee will feel pleased that such a senior person has been identified to fill the role.”  As CCA, Mr Morrell will lead the Construction Innovation and Growth Team. His first task will be to lead the Low Carbon Construction Review, announced by Lord Mandelson in September, which is due to report its initial findings in spring 2010. This is part of the challenge to bring the industry together to identify how best to deliver the 2022 carbon reduction commitments, to meet the broader challenges of the low carbon future, and to capture the many new opportunities it will bring. Paul Morrell said, ‘I am delighted and excited to have been selected for this role, which presents a real opportunity for the sector to work with Government, and to prepare for the skills, growth and other challenges facing the construction industry. ‘This is a tough time for the industry, but now is the right time to work together and I know we have the capability to rise to two of our biggest challenges: to get more value out of our product, and to take more carbon out of its creation and use – getting more for less in both cases. The potential for a well designed and well made built environment to lead economic, social and environmental betterment remains enormous, and the challenges are matched by opportunities, both here and abroad.’ The remit of his new role includes:- o       Chairing a new Construction Collaborative Category Board, which will build on the existing Public Sector Construction Clients Forum (PSCCF to drive the implementation and further development of best value Government construction procurement.  o       Chairing an enhanced sustainable construction strategy delivery board to help ensure policy regarding the industry is effectively co-ordinated. o       Assessing the key barriers to growth in the UK’s Low Carbon construction sector to ensure the UK industry is well placed to serve developing needs and markets. o       Working with the industry, through the Strategic Forum for Construction, to deliver the industry improvement agenda, including the Construction Commitments. o       Promoting innovation in the sector, working closely with the  Technology Strategy Board and other funding bodies. o       Co-ordinating the Whitehall response to reports featuring construction.

Michael Ankers suggested that Mr Morrell would  be well advised to focus his attention on a few key areas, namely, demonstrating the importance of capital projects on bringing the country out of recession and sustaining long term economic recovery, improving public sector construction procurement the money that is available delivers more and better value projects, and ensuring that the role of the construction products industry in delivering the low carbon agenda is fully recognised, not least through a clear long term strategy, suitably resourced, to deliver the improvements that are needed to the energy efficiency of the existing housing stock.
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