Members revisited – BWF Membership Director’s update

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Since my last report my visits have taken me from the west of Cornwall to Sussex and Yorkshire during May; before venturing to North Staffordshire, Essex, West and East Yorkshire and the West Midlands during June.

Following the many face-to-face meetings with members and applicants I have been able outline the BWF’s role and its services to ensure that companies are able to obtain maximum benefit from their membership.  It has also allowed me to remind members of the many activities in which the BWF is currently involved on behalf of the membership including important standards and regulations work.

During mutual talks on a wide range of topics, workload naturally has again been top of the agenda with the publication of Building Regulations Approved Documents L & F (to be implemented on 1st October 2010) a close second in the ‘worry’ stakes. With this topic I have been able to direct them to the excellent explanatory guides produced by the BWF and persuade them to talk to the BWF technical team.

Additionally health & safety, employment and contractual issues continue to be of immediate significance.

On the workload front previous guarded optimism appears to be the message being received although this of course varies considerably from area to area and the core business activities of the companies involved. Some of the smaller specialist manufacturers appear to be very busy also this has not always been the case during the earlier part of the year. Other companies however report continued workload difficulties and do not expect the situation to improve in the short term.

Whilst of course the support provided by BWF is acknowledged by members visited, comments are again being received which clearly illustrate some of our members aren’t aware of the full range of services we provide. Although our member information channels are much improved such as with the regular distribution of Join In and BWF News Update emails enabling members to read the articles by clicking straight through to the BWF website, there is a BWF/Member communications gap.

I believe the BWF Engage programme is slowly having the desired effect with a better understanding of what we provide and increased calls on the BWF services following such visits – but more needs to be done.

In the coming weeks I will be heading back north to Teesside and then to Shropshire before moving on to the South West for another series of member visits.

If you would like me to visit just call on 0844 209 2613 or email me at

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