Funding Secured for Wood Waste and Procurement Workshops Through the WITForum

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The WITForum has managed to secure just over £10,000 of funding through the ConstructionSkills Management and Supervisory Development Programme to run a series of workshops to help members make their procurement processes more efficient and manage or better reduce their wood waste. The sessions follow on from the BWF’s work on the Joinery Industry Resource Efficiency Action Plan, headed up by BWF consultant John Fletcher. The pilot work and report, funded and supported by the BRE trust and WRAP, outlines  the strategy for the joinery  industry  to  manage waste more effectively,  reducing the amount they produce and benefiting more commercially from its disposal. ‘The 9-month project has shown that our industry still lags behind our competitors environmentally on waste management issues. These workshops will allow us to demonstrate to manufacturers the opportunities to reduce the amount wood waste they produce through better procurement practices and increase profit’, said John Fletcher. ‘It will also address issues and legislation surrounding waste management’. Reducing wood waste will have obvious impacts on the environment, by reducing the amount going to landfill, which is proposed to become a requirement by 2013.,  Many BWF members have expressed the rising cost of disposing of their waste. ‘These workshops will create more than just a positive environmental impact; it will allow participants to cut disposal costs, and we are hoping in time, to make good wood waste management into an opportunity for profit  for all our members’, said WITForum Training Manager, Dave Campbell. Workshops are likely to take place from June 2010 where BWF/WITForum members will be offered a significant discount on the cost of the course. Those wishing to register for the course, which will be held during 2010 in 6 locations around the UK are advised to contact us to confirm their interest. Further details of course content and locations will be given at BWF Members’ Day on 27th May.

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