CPA Launches Introduction to Domestic Refurbishment

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The Construction Products Association has launched An Introduction to Low Carbon Domestic Refurbishment, a publication that provides information on refurbishing domestic buildings in a way that improves energy efficiency. The publication is aimed at builders who are carrying out refurbishment of existing houses and flats, householders planning to refurbish their homes, their professional advisers, such as architects, surveyors and energy consultants, as well as politicians and regulators.  Commenting on the launch of the publication, Bill Bolsover Chairman of the Construction Products Association said; ‘The UK has a commitment to reduce its carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 and the built environment is expected to account for about half of this reduction. The previous government put in place programmes to ensure that the new buildings we create in the future meet the highest practical and cost effective standards for energy efficiency, but even these ambitious programmes will barely scratch the surface in terms of meeting the contribution that the built environment has to make to the overall carbon reduction target. The real challenge is to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings that exist today, the vast majority of which will continue to exist in 2050. ‘To achieve this we will need to undertake some form of refurbishment to every one of our 26 million homes and the products and solutions that this industry will provide are key to delivering this. ‘This publication is a first step in setting out the various ways in which these homes can be upgraded. It begins from first principles, highlighting what needs to be done before work starts, then focuses on the main elements of the home – the floor, walls, windows, roof, heating, and hot water and concluding with a series of case studies which show the different scale of activity that can be undertaken.
‘Every household in the country will be engaged in this programme at some point over the next 40 years and it is imperative that the work that is undertaken in a cost effective and efficient way, with least inconvenience to those who will invariably continue to live in their properties throughout. It will only be successful if all parties understand what is realistic, at what price, and with what level of disruption, and this publication is an important first step in helping to achieve this.’

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