Chief Executive’s Blog: Members’ Day – What You Told Us

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I’d like to thank everyone who took the time and trouble to respond to our survey on potential topics for workshops at Members’ Day this year.  If the responses are anything to go by, concentrating on the opportunities presented by the carbon agenda has struck a chord. There’s no surprise that the topic of greatest interest was complying with Parts F and L, closely followed by the closely linked subject of understanding energy efficiency measurement for windows and doors.  If the calls which came in during the past week in response to the News Update article on the introduction of the formal legislation last week are anything to go by, people want to know what’s expected of them and what they will need to do to comply. We’ve been careful not to jump the gun in assuming what the requirements will be (although the consultation document has to been taken as the best indication of what the government would like to do).  As soon as the Approved Documents are published, we’ll publish a summary of the relevant changes, and follow up with guidance on compliance soon after.  Members’ Day will be the first chance members will have to discuss the new requirements in detail with the BWF Technical Team.  There was also considerable interest in workshops explaining the zero carbon requirement and the Code for Sustainable Homes, marketing within the carbon agenda and the benefits of ISO14001 environmental accreditation. Members’ Day is about giving practical advice and information for your business, so the prospect of sessions on employment, contract and health and safety procedures certainly appealed, as did the more technical question of CE Marking. We’ll now put together the detailed programme, which will be announced before Easter.  In the mean time, I hope this has whetted your appetite for Members’ Day, and you’ve got the 27 May booked out in your diary.  I’ll see you there.

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