Chief Executive’s Blog: Five Reasons Why The New Wood Window Alliance Research Is Important

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1.  The only way to counter marketing campaigns based on science is to get solid, impartial science to back your own claims. 2.  In proving that Wood Window Alliance manufacturers’ windows will last the 60 year design service life of the building, the research transforms the whole life cost equation.  When you take out replacement cost completely, the figures stack up in our favour, even taking account of the maintenance cost. 3.  It shows how much the sustainability debate has overlooked the renewability of materials by demonstrating that frames made from wood sourced from sustainably managed forests are carbon negative, because the replanted forests continue to draw more carbon out of the atmosphere than the product process emits.  Recycling is important, but it’s not the be-all and end-all of sustainability that competitor materials would have you believe.  Renewability is timber’s USP.  Now we can prove it. 4.  The Wood Window Alliance’s performance claims stand up because they have been independently verified.  Testing and accreditation are not a cost, they’re an investment.
5.  It underlines the value of a focused, collective campaign.  No one company would have undertaken this research alone.  Even if they had tried, they would have been hard pressed to take the broader cross-industry perspective over their own competitive advantage.  Together, the Wood Window Alliance members united around common objectives to achieve a common goal.  The first battle is to win the customer for wood.

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