BEST made plans . . .

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Two plans affecting the joinery industry were launched this week at BEST – The Built Environment and Technologies Show. The Windows Sustainability Action Plan and Joinery Resource Efficiency Action Plan, (reported 6th October) along with other action plans announced on the day, are the result of how the construction industry is taking responsibility to address the challenges of sustainability at various lifecycle stages.

The Windows Sustainability Action Plan is the key output from Defra’s Roadmap process in which all those involved in window manufacture, from materials such as timber, PVC-U and Aluminium, to glass suppliers and others, worked together to examine areas where challenges to the way we manufacture, use and finally dispose of windows should be met.

In addition to certain shared actions, which are common to all manufacturers regardless of material, there were specific actions for each material. In the case of timber, this includes ensuring the use of certified timber and water-based treatments, improving durability and service life, and progressing to meet targets set in the Joinery Resource Efficiency Plan.

Already, some manufacturers have progressed towards meeting the goals set out in the plan, and examples of ‘best practice’ methods, such as those required by the TWAS and Wood Window Alliance have also been addressed by those not involved in either initiative.

If you would like to know more about the Windows Sustainability Action Plan, and other initiatives, visit the BWF Environmental and Waste Management section of our website

The Windows Sustainability Action Plan can be downloaded from the Defra website –

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