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BWF Code of Conduct

The BWF Code of Conduct sets out the principles of good practice for a woodworking or joinery business. It is supported by a Guide to Compliance, which sets out how these principles might be applied practically to your business.

We are fully committed to helping all new BWF members meet the standards required in the BWF Code of Conduct inspection audit and below we have a selection of guides and policies that you can adapt and adopt to help your business comply.

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BWF Code of Conduct
Member Only

BWF Equipment Maintenance Log Template

An Equipment Maintenance Log template a BWF member can adapt if required, and adopt

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BWF Code of Conduct
Member Only

BWF Employee Skills and Training Log Template

An Employee Skills and Training Log template a BWF member can adapt if required, and adopt

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BWF Code of Conduct
Member Only

BWF Employee Individual Training Record Template

An Employee Individual Training Record template a BWF member can adapt, if required and adopt.

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Member Only

BWF Code of Conduct Member Checklist

To support members in helping to ensure the principles are embraced throughout their business we have a handy checklist for compliance (that covers many of your legal requirements as a joinery business).

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Example fire risk assessment checklist

Example of what a woodworking business could include within their fire risk assessment checklist

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Guide to carrying out a fire risk assessment

Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the responsibility for ensuring that premises are fire safe shifted from the fire authorities to whoever has day-to-day control.
Reasonable steps must be taken to reduce the risk from fire and ensure that the occupants of the premises can escape safely should a fire break out.

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Member Only

BWF Code of Conduct Guide to Compliance

The BWF Code of Conduct is supported by a Guide to Compliance, which sets out how its principles might be applied practically to a woodworking or joinery business so as to comply with the Code’s intentions.

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Member Only

Environmental and waste management policy

An Environmental and waste management policy that a BWF member can adapt and adopt

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Health and Safety risk assessment sheet

An example of a Health and Safety risk assessment spreadsheet that a BWF member can adapt and adopt

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Health & Safety policy (filled in)

An example of a completed Health and Safety policy

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Health & Safety policy for a larger company

A sample Health & Safety policy for a larger company that a BWF member can adapt and adopt

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Health & Safety policy for a small company

A sample Health & Safety policy for a small company that a BWF member can adapt and adopt

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