Joinery industry takes stock of a productive year as it sets out for future success

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The British Woodworking Federation (BWF) has published an action plan which spells out its priorities for 2017/18 and reviews the key achievements of the past 12 months. The plan sets out how BWF is helping the sector grow the market for wood products, develop a well-equipped workforce, and influence change in the new political environment.

Joinery industry takes stock of a productive year as it sets out for future successLaunched at the BWF’s AGM on June 14th, Action Plan 2017/18 shows an organisation consolidating its position as the UK’s number one information point on woodworking industry matters. It illustrates how BWF will help all sizes of joinery business embrace digitalisation and meet ever more demanding customer briefs.

People are part and parcel of the BWF’s pledge to the industry. The federation is working hard to help members meet the challenges of the new skills landscape and manage all accidents out of their businesses through the Health & Safety Hero Campaign.

Other priorities for the year ahead include driving new business to members and championing high standards for UK joinery through the BWF’s Code of Conduct and the schemes: the Wood Window Alliance, BWF Certifire Fire Door & Doorset Scheme and the BWF Stair Scheme.


Sean Parnaby, BWF President and Managing Director of West Port Timber Windows & Doors said:

“The joinery industry has a strong trade body in the BWF, one that delivers an invaluable service to woodworking businesses of all sizes.

“We have seen a huge amount of change since the last plan was published, and I am delighted to see that many of the ambitious tasks set out there have been accomplished.

“There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic. We are seeing new competition emerging, reshaping the industry and driving us onwards. As the number one information point on woodworking matters, the BWF has never been more successful in providing clear guidance to members, designers, specifiers and increasingly to the general public, through initiatives such as Fire Door Safety Week and BWF Stair Scheme Manager Hannah Mansell’s recent appearance on the BBC’s Jeremy Vine show.

“The BWF is keeping its members ahead of the curve on emerging areas such as materials health and life cycle analysis with additional resources set to be launched over the next few months. In this vein it was great to see renowned architect Oliver Heath addressing the new Interiors Group to focus on the benefits of using more wood in interiors.

“The UK joinery industry has a stronger voice now than ever before, and BWF will be redoubling its efforts with the wider supply chain through the Confederation of Timber Industries to fight for the economy we need for our businesses to prosper.”


To read the full BWF Action Plan 2017/18, go to


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