A Focus on Local Exhaust Ventilation

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As part of the BWF Code of Conduct, members have to demonstrate compliance with Health & Safety Legislation, including the control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH). Under the COSHH Regulations it’s a legal requirement for a woodworking workshop / manufacturing site to have a LEV (Local Exhaust Ventilation) system installed to reduce employee exposure to airborne contaminants that might be hazardous to health. The Regulations also require those responsible for any wood dust extraction equipment to make a written assessment of the risks to health associated with wood dust, together with any action needed to prevent or control those risks.

Wood dust is a real concern as it is known to cause serious health problems, such as asthma. Astonishingly carpenters and joiners are four times more likely to get asthma compared with other UK workers. The BWF Code of Conduct requires all members to meet their legal obligations under the COSHH Regulations, including:

A Focus on Local Exhaust VentilationIf you are visited by the Health & Safety Executive and are unable to demonstrate compliance to the regulations then one of the following will happen:

  • You are given an improvement notice and fined – this is costly to both long-term brand reputation (i.e. how you are viewed by customers, suppliers and your own staff) and your annual accounts.
  • You are given an enforcement notice and your workshop / factory will be closed until you can demonstrate compliance.

The HSE website has comprehensive guidance on protecting employees from dust – click here for more information.

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Member Health & Safety Guidance

BWF Members have access to up-to-date guidance and a number of templates to help them with their health & safety policies and processes.

View Guidance
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