Before you began working in this industry, what was your perception of it? Did reality meet your expectations?
The guidance and information I was given at school about joinery was very limited.
Researching the industry myself, I could see that there was the opportunity to do interesting, traditional practical work. Having worked in the industry for a few years I can look back on the things that I have done and say that they have met and surpassed my expectations.
Who, or what, has helped you the most in your career journey?
I have been helped and encouraged by my family, peers, work colleagues and college tutors who have given me experienced-based advice. My employer has involved me in a wide variety of work and given me the opportunity to test myself on difficult jobs.
What, if anything, has ever held you back from achieving your goals? Describe any circumstances, attitudes or people that could have enabled you to achieve your career goals better or faster.
No barriers have ever been put in my way and I have always been encouraged to progress as much as I can.
Tell us about any experiences you have had or witnessed regarding discrimination at work because of your age.
I have never felt discriminated against in any way nor have I witnessed it in my workplace.
Is there anything about the manufacturing industry’s culture that you would like to change? If so, what?
I feel that the industry and those that work in it are not always fully recognised for their skills and knowledge. It would be nice to see the public’s perception of construction and craft work improve.
Do you find the woodworking and joinery sector welcoming? Why?
I have found the sector very welcoming. Everyone I have worked with has been eager to share their knowledge and experience. The people I have met are very passionate about their craft and want to see it continue.
To what extent is your working environment inclusive, diverse and representative of today’s society? And does it matter to you? Why?
My working environment is very inclusive and we have no barriers to anyone. Whilst we do not currently have any women working in our workshop we have had in the past and they have now progressed into estimating and project management roles. I feel that the sector should have open access to anyone with the necessary skills and interest.
What should businesses be doing, now, to encourage more people like you to join our industry? Please give us three actions that businesses can take.
I feel that there should be more outreach at school level to show future generations just how interesting and rewarding the industry can be. Secondly, show that the demand for highly skilled people is there and that it can be a career for life. Finally, show that there is the potential for upward progression into a wide variety of more senior roles if desired.
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