CTI launches new Industry Manifesto

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On 18th October 2016 the Confederation of Timber Industry (CTI) launched its new Industry Manifesto during a Drinks Reception at Timber Expo in Birmingham.

The event was held in collaboration with the British Woodworking Federation (BWF), the Structural Timber Association (STA) and the Timber Trade Federation (TTF). Alongside the Builders Merchants Federation (BMF), the three trade organisations will form the spine of a renewed CTI.

CTI launches new Industry ManifestoEnsuring continuity to the successful projects and activities undertaken in the past year, the Confederation will focus on four areas: – Value and Growth; – Sustainability; – Skills and Education; – Construction & Housing.

The target is to grow the UK Timber Industry promoting best practise and boosting a wide collaboration among the leading trade organisations and companies across the Supply Chain.

Acting as an umbrella organisation, the Confederation will also work to ensure the right policy and market frameworks are developed in a rapidly changing economic and political scenario. In this regard, the next few weeks will see the publication of 3 Policy Reports, designed to map the UK Timber Industry, and the launch of CTI inaugural Conference in Westminster on 30th November 2016. Details will follow shortly.

Andrew Carpenter, Chief Executive of the Structural Timber Association, said: “The STA is delighted to be an integral part of the CTI as we move forward together towards a more integrated timber sector.

“Our specifiers, procurers and clients are looking for a joined up design, manufacture and erect solution and it’s critical we are able to offer this.

“The CTI is continually striving to satisfy client needs, which is essential as we continue to increase structural timber’s market share. By encouraging a collaborative culture, the use of structural timber frame within the UK housing and construction industry will only continue to increase and aid in the meeting of Government targets.

“The STA supports the key tenants of the new CTI report that will enable the timber supply chain to come together as an industry to obtain further and greater growth.”

David Hopkins, Managing Director of the Timber Trade Federation, added: “The launch of the new Industry Manifesto is a great step forward for the timber supply chain. We need to start showing the value that our sector brings to the economy, the environment and to the UK skills base.”

“The map we have launched shows the multiple routes to market for timber products as well as policy recommendations to help each one develop. Working with our supply chain partners under the banner of the CTI is the best way to truly achieve growing the use of wood.”

Iain McIlwee, British Woodworking Federation CEO, said: “There is huge opportunity to scale up what we are all doing so that the CTI is more than the sum of our parts. As Britain builds a new economy, there is huge opportunity for Timber to take a lead.

This is a great time for the BWF to get involved in the CTI and we are relishing working with colleagues from all parts of our supply chain in raising our collective voice to this effect.”

A recap of the CTI Drinks Reception including pictures, recordings and presentations can be found here.

The CTI Manifesto can be downloaded here.

The CTI Policy Reports will be soon available at https://www.cti-timber.org/publications.

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