Forklift Training – New Code of practice to be issued later this year

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The future of Forklift training could be about to change with a new code of practice due to be issued later this year. With this in mind The Health and Safety Executive has held an informal event on in February to discuss the future of forklift driver competence and training and the potential improvements that could be made in assessing standards.

The current code of practice originally came into force in 1989 and has had a massive impact on driver and pedestrian safety. However forklift related accidents are still common in the workplace and many companies are still unaware of the need for driver training or the requirement for regular refresher training. One of the most common questions asked is how often refreshers are required. The answer to this question is far from simple! There is no legal requirement for refreshers, however the HSE do strongly recommend refreshers are conducted at ‘regular intervals’. They will not however state what they consider to be a regular interval however as that is dependent on the individuals involved as people will vary on how often they need refreshing.

The current recognised interval is between 3-5 years although many companies do it more regularly than that. Refresher training is aimed at re-affirming the safe practices and procedures and reminding operators of the benefits of operating correctly in terms of safety and efficiency. This applies to all types of forklift in industry and construction.

Should you have any queries regarding forklift training or refresher training you can contact Didac Ltd, our health and safety partner on 0117 9049377, and Paul Mackley who will be happy to discuss any questions you may have.

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